Saturday, December 02, 2006

"A Fighter Who Fell" de "Xanana Gusmao"

Maracuja maduro!

E que tal recordar todos estes "poemas" de "Poetas" que gritavam em voz alta o que lhes ía na alma numa altura em que todos gritavam pela independência de Timor.

Desculpe-me este abuso mas acho que vale a pena rever:

Xanana Gusmão's poem

"A Fighter Who Fell

High on the mountain peaks of Timor

The grass grows

And warms the fractured bones

Of a fighter who fell

Down on the grassy plains of Timor

A flower shows

And beautifies the bones

Of a fighter who fell

This is the hopeful life that grows

From life's release

The life that every woman knows

Who calls for peace

With every waking breath

But not the peace of death

Throughout the peaks and plains of Timor

The life-bloood flows

And animates the bones

Of the fighters who fell

Xanana Gusmão
(originally written in Portuguese) 
English translation by Agio Pereira & Rob Wesley-Smith; versification by Peter Wesley-Smith

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